This is the way to help people to meet you, learn about you and your business, shape the way they see it, and boost your self-esteem.
The Branding session is an effective part of any business marketing and as more familiar people become with you as more likely they will go when they need your skill set. Look at the advertisements in magazines on video commercials. All those brands fighting for our attention and which one do you remember the most - either one that you see often or the ones that have a cool pitch in their branding message.
Verizon, Apple, All-State, and other brands keep investing in their recognition and you should too. ( And the good part about it - it is your tax write-offs)
Don't wait till you lose weight, make more money, or find the right mood for it - let's create it, I will help you get inspired and get to show your best. Investing in your brand recognition is the way to get your foot on the client's door.
Don't need to worry that you don't know where to start - use these steps to learn more about yourself and your brand picture :
- Check your colleague's websites and photo sessions and save the photos that you like the most.
- Use and to save the photos that you like as well (for example search for “personal branding ‘your profession” )
- Share with me what is your business about, what it represents, and what is your favorite free-time activities. This will help me to create session ideas specific to your brand
- Find the wardrobe that makes you feel confident, and get manicures and make-up, and hair done by professionals. Play your favorite music to boost the mood
Feel free to reach out for a free consultation and learn more about how the photo session goes.